Food Safety for Farmer's Markets - Lab Demonstrations

These lab demonstrations focus on food safety related to Farmer’s Market products and necessary controls for the microbiological hazards associated with these foods. Particular emphasis will be placed on low water activity foods such as baked goods and jellies, acid and low acid foods, and sanitation. A special presentation on mushrooms and mushroom safety will be included.

Environmental Contamination

This video discusses environmental contaminants, such as spoilage and pathogenic microorganism, that can affect food products. In the video, a series of examples of potential areas or sources of contamination in the food preparation environment is discussed. The video also highlights the potential issues associated with these contaminants and the effects they could have on food that is being prepared. The last part of the video further discusses the examples and why it is important to be aware of environmental contaminants to ensure food is safe and of good quality.


This video provides a demonstration of sanitation and the importance of using fresh cleaning solutions in the food preparation area. It begins by discussing the different types of methods available to quantify the total/free chlorine content of cleaning solutions. It then demonstrates the use of a solution test kit in determining the total chlorine found in clean verses used sanibucket water. The last part of the video shows the difference between the clean and used water and discusses the effects the dirt in the used water has on the cleaning solution effectiveness.

Ph Meter

This video provides a demonstration of the use of a pH meter for testing acidified food products. It begins by discussing the pH scale and important pH terms. It then demonstrates the use of a pH meter to take a pH reading of the liquid portion of a food sample. The video then discusses and demonstrates how to take a pH reading from the solid portion of a sample. The last part of the video discusses the difference between the liquid and solid portions and the importance of taking pH readings from both portions of certain products to ensure safety parameters/regulations have been achieved.