Located at
901 N 21 St
Food Innovation Center
Lincoln, NE 68588-6206
If arriving by car, please be aware that the Nebraska Innovation Campus (NIC) parking lots are only available for permit holders unless designated. The Food Innovation Center (FIC) has 6 marked visitor spots in the SW corner of our parking lot, facing the Devaney Center. You are welcome to use them. That area of the building is near our Receiving dock, and the building is locked. You may enter the building on the opposite corner (front door located at the NE side of the building) during business hours or contact your host to meet you at the Receiving area. Please make arrangements with your host for the appropriate spot. If the visitor parking spots are full, there is metered parking on the streets around the building. (PARKING MAP)

If you need lodging, the Scarlet Hotel is located on the NIC grounds and has a full-service restaurant and small coffee shop to accommodate guests. There is a larger coffee shop on the NIC campus as well. Some clients prefer to stay in the Haymarket District, approximately 2 miles away, with access to more restaurants and activities.
Airports & Ground Transportation
Visitor Form
If you are visiting the Pilot Plants, please make sure everyone in your traveling party completes our Visitor Form to acknowledge our GMPs and safety expectations.