Celebrating 40+ years of the Food Processing Center

40 years of #advancingthefoodindustry

FPC 40th anniversary

A Few Timeline Milestones

  1. 1983

    UNL establishes the Food Processing Center.

  2. 1987

    FPC Micro lab was set up in Filley Hall with Dianne Peters as manager.

  3. 1989

    FPC establishes the National Food Entrepreneur Program.
    Durward Smith was hired, and starts Better Process Control School at Nebraska. (He previously had taught it since 1974 at LSU & Auburn)

  4. 1990

    Dedication of Food Industry Complex on East Campus. (Micro lab moved here)

  5. 2011

    Students design “Big 10” Dairy Store giftbox.
    USDA Rural Development awards FPC small business grant to assist small manufacturers.

  6. 2016

    Preventive Controls workshops first offered.